Pronunciation, the door to the heart?
I am going to be very blunt here.
If you can’t pronounce it, you don’t own it. And that’s that.
You need to be able to speak properly. And that entails phonetics too.
Why are they so important?
Well, it turns out that people usually respond positively to what they think is the right way of saying things, to the right cadence of words, to the proper length of each word, within the appropriate context. People unconsciously savor the same linguistic dish when they talk, as it were.
Native speakers everywhere are rightfully familiarized with other native speakers through hundreds of micro interactions each day, thereby mimicking each other and inadvertently producing what is called the standard pronunciation and cementing the right cultural background for it.
The only way to achieving a clear and precise pronunciation is by seeking perfection. You need to seek perfection and get as close as humanly possible to the standard pronunciation— no less than that. Aim to the stars and the moon.
There is a certain change in consciousness when you master the phonetics of a language —in a way, you start becoming it.
You are no longer on the riverbank seeing the river flow, but you become the river.
Crucially, the excellence in grammar, phonetics and the understanding of socially acceptable linguistic norms is key to win over the hearts of people. It will enable you to get a more real feel of the language in context and feel in your heart what native speakers actually feel in theirs when they speak their native language with their families and friends. Once you get a taste of that powerful energy you will no longer feel the same about that particular language. The emotional print of it will be forevermore in your heart.
Check out the topics I discussed with Laura CouchPolyglot:
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