Key Definitions
In order to start off on the right foot, I am going to give you a few definitions that will hopefully help you navigate and understand this site better.
It is a mental thesaurus of the organized knowledge an individual possesses about the meaning of objects, words, symbols, and all manner of facts.
Sociology is the scientific study of social relations, social institutions, and societies, aiming to produce data and analyses for decision makers, identify societal defects, and explain social phenomena.
Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society, examining how language is used and how it varies in different social contexts. It explores topics such as bilingual communities, language shift and death, linguistic variation, and the social and cultural patterns of language use. Sociolinguistics also has practical applications in areas such as language teaching, language policy development, and legal contexts.
language acquisition
Language acquisition refers to the process of acquiring and developing language skills, which enables individuals to communicate, understand, and express themselves effectively. It plays a crucial role in social relationships, cognitive development, and literacy achievement, making it essential for optimal functioning in various domains. Researchers study language acquisition to understand how language is acquired and to identify any delays or impairments in children, allowing for early intervention and support.
foreign language learning
Foreign language learning refers to the process of acquiring a language that is not native to an individual, typically through formal education or leisure activities, with the aim of either achieving educational goals or enhancing communication skills in a globalized world.
Mindfulness is defined as a way of paying attention in the present moment with a non-judgmental and compassionate attitude, allowing experiences to naturally rise and fall without avoidance or reactivity.
Links to warm up
https://learninglanguagesinsocietywithgabi.com/ mindfulness
Your First Steps
The best place to start is right here right now, for it is always now o’clock.
keeping a decent level in any language is a real challenge, but it doesn’t have to be burdensome.
Here is an example of how you could program your daily routine to make your memory work better.
Right after you wake up in the morning try to do a small ten minute meditation to begin your day fully relaxed. Brew your favorite coffee and pour the magic drink into a mug. Savor it and you’re good to go!
There is no amount of grammar that could replace the most effective way to truly put what you know into practice: i.e speaking. Do yourself the biggest favor and start to speak right now.
Join our community of speakers from around the word and start practicing.
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